Can you imagine paying for groceries or other purchases without cash? This is now possible thanks to virtual credit cards. Instead of using actual plastic or traditional credit card payments , these are offered by many companies in the form of debit, prepaid, e-check, or even gift card solutions. These are useful alternatives to cash because they eliminate the hassle of carrying around large amounts of money, plus they provide better security. Also, they allow customers to pay for goods via their accounts whenever they want. In this article, we'll discuss six reasons why businesses should consider offering their customers an online virtual credit card payment solution . Virtual credit cards are simply a way for companies to accept digital payments from customers who don't have access to bank accounts. As a result, they offer several benefits over regular credit cards. First, they take away the risk of fraud or counterfeit credit cards that are so common when dealing with reg...
Payment gateways are an important component of any online store. Here we look at some tips on how to get started using them.